ministry encounters

What to Expect at New Birth

At New Birth we believe that all activities that constitute training, equipping and preparation of partners are part of the worship experience. New Birth believes that “church” should be an engaging, powerful, meaningful, life changing and entertaining. We strive to make the experience inviting while encouraging guests to feel at home by eliminating the unfriendliness often experienced elsewhere as people interact in society. As stewards of Christ’s love, we require that persons at New Birth maintain an openness encouraging others to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ. Bishop Williams and his leadership team present messages that are relevant accompanied by memorable illustrations. Come experience a casual and relaxed atmosphere of worship with innovative messages and presentations.

During the week there are many opportunities for everyone to get connected into the life of the Church as we seek to continually grow in our relationship with Jesus and proclaim the good news to the ends of the earth. We invite you to come and take it all in for yourself. Join us this next Sunday at 9 AM at the Sanctuary.

Monday Night Prayer

With prayer as the main event guests are often shocked at the high attendance on Monday Nights. However by the time they leave, t hey often “catch the fire” that keeps people coming. Bishop Williams keeps the channels open to hear the Heart of God and as such is in touch with the needs of the people. As such Monday nights are not only experienced as a time for seeking the Face of God in a uni-directional, one-way mode. Instead, it is a time of worship and prayer and which welcomes the aura of his presence fused with Words of revelation. When all these elements combine, people’s lives are positively impacted and they leave feeling renewed. They leave with renewed hope. They leave with answers to some of their most daunting questions or at least with the tools to carry them successfully through the process. Don’t Miss Monday Night Prayer.Mondays: 7:15pm

The Awakening: A special edition of Monday Night Prayer which features prayer for physical, emotional and financial healing. As lead by the Holy Spirit Bishop Williams often sets himself apart for a period in preparation for these special evenings of impartation which people testify to being touched, transformed and marvelously helped out of dire and challenging circumstances.

Fresh Start and Growth Series

An event which brings together individuals who are either new in Christ or have decided to renew their walk with the Lord. This group of individuals are often passionate about the Lord but being “babes” in Christ need that special time when they can express themselves, ask questions, learn more about the fundamentals of the Christianity, as well as what New Birth Gospel Tabernacle teaches and why (see What we Believe and What we Practice for summary). In a series of brief sessions participants go through Fresh Start Classes followed up by the Growth Series: 101 - 404. Tuesdays: 7:30pm